
London - Looking for some action?

If you want to be active in London, you have to be a little creative because there obviously isn't an enormous amount of space in a city with millions of other people running around. So here are my tips for when you visit/live in London and you're tired of being 'lazy'.

1. Boris Bikes! Those dorky blue/white bikes are the ideal action for a long day in London. You can pretty much find them everywhere across the city and it's really easy/cheap to get one (1 pound with credit card for 24 hours). I don't recommend using them on the streets as it's quite dangerous, but they're perfect to discover the lovely parks in London (Regent's and Hyde Park for example). 

2. Go shopping! Nothing more tiring than a full day of shopping in London. And since there are so many places to shop at (Oxford Street, Regent's Street, Selfridges, Liberty, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Westfield and so on..) you'll be walking miles without noticing! 

3. Try to avoid taking public transport. Now that the weather is finally getting better, it's a good idea to walk more often rather than taking the tube or bus. Your wallet will also be grateful;). 

4. For the ones that live in Londen: get a gym subscription or take some individual yoga classes. Possibilities are endless in London: LA Fitness, Soho Gyms, Gym Box, and plenty of yoga studios. There are even gyms which offer great students deals!

5. If you can't afford to get a gym membership (like most students), go for a run in one of the parks. It's totally for free and really easy. Just put some good (running/fitness)shoes on and start running. If you don't like running, you can power walk or do some exercises on the grass (I see plenty of people doing it). The best thing is to have a friend who does this with you so you're motivated. 

6. Sightseeing/markets. Even for people who live in Londen, it's good to visit things you haven't seen yet. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays, there is a lot to do in London, especially in terms of markets. Brick Lane, Portobello Road, the Flower Market on Columbia Road, Camden Market, Borough Market are only a few of the markets you could go to during the weekend rather than staying in bed all day. 

7. For some small action: always walk on the escalators/stairs in the tube/anywhere else. I still don't understand why so many people are always standing still on the escalator. It's kind of lazy and it causes long lines. You'll notice that if you walk a lot on stairs, your legs get stronger. Walking is much better than standing still. 

All pictures from Weheartit

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